A.I. Business Services Directory

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I am providing this list as a ‘WYSIWYG” service. In other words, it is “What You See is What You Get”. I will be continually adding to it and the information will expand with time.

Please be patient as this is a new website and until it starts making decent money, I will be working it alone.

I hope it will be a useful service for those people who are looking for specific features for A.I Services.  Please feel free to add your or others’ services. However, they will be checked for accuracy and will only be added if non-offensive. No violent or pornographic sites will be added.

I will be rolling this out in 3 phases over the coming months. Please check below “Z” for more details.

Thank you.



1.. Accenture – https://www.accenture.com

2. Adobe – https://www.adobe.com

3. Amazon – https://aws.amazon.com/ai

4. Apple – https://www.apple.com/ai

5. Appen – https://appen.com

6. Appier – https://www.appier.com

7. AppTek – https://www.apptek.com

8. Argo AI – https://www.argo.ai

9. Arista Networks – https://www.arista.com

10. Affectiva – https://www.affectiva.com

11. Aibrain – http://www.aibrain.com

12. Affect.ai – https://www.affect.ai

13. AIBrain – https://aibrain.com

14. Aible – https://www.aible.com

15. AI Singapore – https://www.aisingapore.org

16. AImotive – https://aimotive.com

17. AiNet – https://ainet.ai

18. AI Foundation – https://www.aifoundation.com

19. AI.Reverie – https://www.aireverie.com

20. Alibaba – https://www.alibabacloud.com/ai

21. AMD – https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/ai

22. Anki – https://www.anki.com

23. AnyVision – https://www.anyvision.co

24. AppZen – https://www.appzen.com

25. Aylien – https://aylien.com


1. Baidu – https://www.baidu.com

2. BenevolentAI – https://benevolent.ai

3. BigML – https://bigml.com

4. Blackberry QNX – https://us.blackberry.com/qnx

5. Blue Prism – https://www.blueprism.com

6. Brain Corporation – https://www.braincorp.com

7. BrainCreators – https://braincreators.com

8. Brainstorm.ai – http://www.brainstorm.ai

9. Brighterion – https://www.brighterion.com

10. Butterfly Network – https://www.butterflynetwork.com

11. Behavox – https://www.behavox.com

12. Block.one – https://block.one

13. Banjo – https://www.ban.jo

14. Behavitech – https://www.behavitech.com

15. Basis Technology – https://www.basistech.com

16. Bonsai – https://www.bons.ai

17. Babylon Health – https://www.babylonhealth.com 

18. Bond.AI – https://bond.ai

19. Bright Machines – https://www.brightmachines.com

20. Botpress – https://botpress.com

21. Braintree Technology Solutions – https://www.braintreetechnology.com

22. Biorelate – https://www.biorelate.com

23. BioMind – https://www.biomind.ai

24. Boost.ai – https://www.boost.ai

25. BotXO – https://www.botxo.ai

26. Bing Chat Enterprise-AI Chat for work. Artificial Intelligence Solutions | Microsoft AI


1. C3.ai – AI Platform – https://c3.ai

2. CloudMinds – Cloud-based Robotics – https://www.cloudminds.com

3. CognitiveScale – Enterprise AI Software – https://www.cognitivescale.com

4. Clarifai – Image and Video Recognition – https://www.clarifai.com

5. Cognitiv – Deep Learning for Marketing – https://www.cognitiv.ai

6. CrowdAI – Computer Vision for AI – https://www.crowdai.com

7. ChatGPT by OpenAI – Conversational AI – https://www.openai.com/chatgpt

8. Cybereason – Advanced Endpoint Protection – https://www.cybereason.com

9. Clinc – Conversational AI for FinTech – https://clinc.com

10. Covariant – Robotic AI – https://covariant.ai

11. ComplyAdvantage – AI-powered Financial Crime – https://complyadvantage.com

12. Cerebras Systems – AI Acceleration Hardware – https://cerebras.net

13. ClosedLoop.ai – Healthcare AI – https://closedloop.ai

14. Chorus.ai – Conversation Analytics for Sales – https://www.chorus.ai

15. ContextLogic – AI-driven E-commerce – https://www.contextlogic.com

16. Cinelytic – AI for Film Industry – https://www.cinelytic.com

17. Crayon – Market and Competitive Intelligence – https://www.crayon.co

18. Cerego – Adaptive Learning Platform – https://www.cerego.com

19. Cambridge Intelligence – Graph Visualization and Analysis – https://cambridge-intelligence.com

20. Craft.co – Market Intelligence Platform – https://www.craft.co

21. Clarifai – Visual AI Solutions – https://www.clarifai.com

22. Chisel AI – Intelligent Document Automation – https://chisel.ai

23. Cognizant – AI Consulting and Services – https://www.cognizant.com

24. Capella Space – SAR-based Earth Observation – https://www.capellaspace.com

25. Canonical – AI and ML Infrastructure – https://canonical.com


1. DeepMind – AI research and applications. Website: www.deepmind.com

2. DataRobot – Automated machine learning platform. Website: www.datarobot.com

3. Darktrace – Cybersecurity powered by AI. Website: www.darktrace.com

4. Databricks – Unified data analytics and AI platform. Website: www.databricks.com

5. Diffbot – Knowledge graph extraction from the web. Website: www.diffbot.com

6. Dataiku – Collaborative AI platform for enterprises. Website: www.dataiku.com

7. Dessa – AI technology company specializing in deep learning. Website: www.dessa.com

8. Dataminr – Real-time AI platform for event and risk detection. Website: www.dataminr.com

9. Domino Data Lab – Open data science platform. Website: www.dominodatalab.com

10. Drive.ai – Self-driving vehicle technology. Website: www.drive.ai

11. DatumBox – Machine learning platform for text analysis. Website: www.datumbox.com

12. Datalog.ai – AI-powered analytics and automation. Website: www.datalog.ai

13. Dathena – AI-powered data governance and privacy solutions. Website: www.dathena.io

14. Digital Reasoning – Cognitive computing and natural language processing Website: www.digitalreasoning.com

15. DataRobotics – Robotic process automation powered by AI. Website: www.datarobotics.com

16. Daisy Intelligence – AI-powered retail analytics. Website: www.daisyintelligence.com

17. Deepomatic – Visual recognition and automation platform. Website: www.deepomatic.com

18. Decibel AI – AI-powered customer experience analytics. Website: www.decibel.ai

19. Dessa Labs – Machine learning platform and services. Website: www.dessaabs.com

20. Demandbase – Account-based marketing powered by AI. Website: www.demandbase.com

21. Diffblue – AI-powered software development and testing. Website: www.diffblue.com

22. Denodo – AI-driven data virtualization. Website: www.denodo.com

23. Dialo.ga – Conversational AI platform for chatbots. Website: www.dialo.ga

24. dunnhumby – Customer data science solutions for retailers. Website: www.dunnhumby.com

25. Dbrain – AI-powered dataset management and annotation. Website: www.dbrain.io


1. Company Name: eGain Corporation

   Type of A.I Service: Customer service automation

   Website Address: egain.com

2. Company Name: Element AI Inc.

   Type of A.I Service: AI software development

   Website Address: elementai.com

3. Company Name: Expii Inc.

   Type of A.I Service: Adaptive learning

   Website Address: expii.com

4. Company Name: Evisort Inc.

   Type of A.I Service: Contract analytics

   Website Address: evisort.com

5. Company Name: Emotibot Technologies Limited

   Type of A.I Service: Emotional intelligence AI

   Website Address: emotibot.com

6. Company Name: Exponential AI

   Type of A.I Service: AI-driven decision support

   Website Address: exponential.ai

7. Company Name: Enlitic, Inc.

   Type of A.I Service: Medical imaging diagnostics

   Website Address: enlitic.com

8. Company Name: Edge Impulse

   Type of A.I Service: Machine learning for edge devices

   Website Address: edgeimpulse.com

9. Company Name: Emotech Ltd.

   Type of A.I Service: Robotics and AI assistant

   Website Address: emotech.co

10. Company Name: Etleap

    Type of A.I Service: AI-powered ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)

    Website Address: etleap.com

11. Company Name: EchoUser, Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: User experience research and AI design

    Website Address: echouser.com

12. Company Name: Evolution AI Ltd.

    Type of A.I Service: Natural language processing and chatbot development

    Website Address: evolution.ai

13. Company Name: Evidation Health, Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: Real-world health data analytics

    Website Address: evidation.com

14. Company Name: Eigen Technologies Ltd.

    Type of A.I Service: AI-driven document analysis

    Website Address: eigentech.com

15. Company Name: EZOPS Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: AI-powered operations management

    Website Address: ezops.com

16. Company Name: Etiometry, Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: Predictive analytics for ICU management

    Website Address: etiometry.com

17. Company Name: Echobox

    Type of A.I Service: AI-driven social media publishing

    Website Address: echobox.com

18. Company Name: Exotec Solutions

    Type of A.I Service: Warehouse robotics and automation

    Website Address: exotec.com

19. Company Name: Eyeris Technologies, Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: Emotion recognition and driver monitoring

    Website Address: eyeris.ai

20. Company Name: Enigma

    Type of A.I Service: Data analytics and AI-powered insights

    Website Address: enigma.com

21. Company Name: Eversight

    Type of A.I Service: AI-driven pricing and promotion optimization

    Website Address: eversightlabs.com

22. Company Name: Edgecase

    Type of A.I Service: AI-driven search and product data enrichment

    Website Address: edgecase.io

23. Company Name: Enso Data Science, Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: Data science and predictive analytics

    Website Address: ensodata.com

24. Company Name: Effect.AI

    Type of A.I Service: Decentralized AI network and marketplace

    Website Address: effect.ai

25. Company Name: Enlitic, Inc.

    Type of A.I Service: AI-powered radiology diagnostics

    Website Address: enlitic.com


1. Facebook – Social media AI algorithms – www.facebook.com

2. Fitbit – Wearable fitness AI tracking – www.fitbit.com

3. Fujitsu – Business process automation – www.fujitsu.com

4. Ford – Autonomous vehicle AI technology – www.ford.com

5. Fanuc – Industrial robotics AI solutions – www.fanucamerica.com

6. Fetch Robotics – AI-powered warehouse automation – www.fetchrobotics.com

7. FICO – Predictive analytics and decision management – www.fico.com

8. Foursquare – Location intelligence AI tools – www.foursquare.com

9. Fast Data Science – AI-driven predictive analytics – www.fastdatascience.com

10. FLYR – AI-based revenue management for airlines – www.flyrlabs.com

11. Fyusion – 3D visualization AI technology – www.fyusion.com

12. ForwardX – AI-powered autonomous luggage – www.forwardx.com

13. Focal Systems – AI-enabled retail automation – www.focal.systems

14. Feelter – AI-driven e-commerce analytics – www.feelter.com

15. Filament – Secure industrial IoT networks with AI – www.filament.com

16. Fraugster – AI-powered fraud prevention – www.fraugster.com

17. FullContact – AI-enhanced contact management – www.fullcontact.com

18. Fusemachines – AI education and workforce solutions – www.fusemachines.com

19. Fisheye Analytics – AI-driven video analytics – www.fisheye-analytics.com

20. FlytBase – AI-powered drones and robotics – www.flytbase.com

21. Fabula AI – Social network AI safety – www.fabula.ai

22. FiveAI – Autonomous vehicle AI software – www.five.ai

23. Fiddler AI – Explainable AI monitoring and analytics – www.fiddler.ai

24. Formant – Robotics fleet management AI – www.formant.io

25. Forward Networks – AI-enhanced network operations – www.forwardnetworkscom

Facebook AI Research (FAIR) – General artificial intelligence research
Freenome – Early cancer detection using machine learning
Freenet Digital – Personalized digital advertising using AI
Feedzai – Fraud detection and prevention using machine learning
Freenome – Early cancer detection using machine learning


1. Google: Search Engine and Machine Learning – www.google.com

2. Grammarly: Writing Assistance – www.grammarly.com

3. GitHub: Version Control with AI Integrations – www.github.com

4. Groq: AI Acceleration Solutions – www.groq.com

5. Gideon Brothers: Autonomous Mobile Robots – www.gideonbros.ai

6. Gupshup: Chatbot Development Platform – www.gupshup.io

7. Grakn AI: Knowledge Graphs and Reasoning – www.grakn.ai

8. Gamalon: Natural Language Understanding – www.gamalon.com

9. Genpact: AI for Business Process Management – www.genpact.com

10. Graphcore: AI Acceleration for Machine Learning – www.graphcore.ai

11. GoGraph: AI-powered Infographics – www.gograph.com

12. GoingVC: AI for Venture Capital Due Diligence – www.goingvc.com

13. GigaSpaces: Real-Time Analytics and ML – www.gigaspaces.com

14. Griddable.io: Grid Data Analytics – www.griddable.io

15. Giant Otter Technologies: AI for Data Cleaning – www.giantotter.com

16. Gamaya: Precision Agriculture with AI – www.gamaya.com

17. Geometric Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning – www.geometricintelligence.com

18. Graphext: Network Analysis with AI – www.graphext.com

19. GridAI: Automated Machine Learning – www.grid.ai

20. GoodAI: Artificial General Intelligence – www.goodai.com

21. Gravyty: AI for Fundraising – www.gravyty.com

22. Gyant: AI-powered Healthcare Assistant – www.gyant.com

23. General Robotics: Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles – www.general-robotics.com

24. Groundhog Technologies: AI-based Analytics for Telcos – www.ghtinc.com

25. GNS Healthcare: AI-driven Precision Medicine – www.gnshealthcare.com


1. H2O.ai: Machine Learning Platform | www.h2o.ai

2. Haptik: Conversational AI Platform | www.haptik.co

3. Hasty.ai: Computer Vision Platform | www.hasty.ai

4. HelloAva: Personalized Skincare AI | www.helloava.co

5. Hexagon: AI-enabled Data Analytics | www.hexagon.com

6. Hive: AI-powered Project Management | www.hive.com

7. Hivemapper: AI Mapping Platform| www.hivemapper.com

8. HoloMatic: AI Solutions for Automotive | www.holomatic.ai

9. Holopundits: AI-driven Digital Twins | www.holopundits.ai

10. Hortonworks: AI-powered Data Management | www.hortonworks.com

11. Houndify: Voice AI Platform | www.houndify.com

12. H2O Partners: AI Recruitment Platform | www.h2o-partners.co

13. HSBC: AI-powered Financial Services | www.hsbc.com

14. Huawei: AI-driven Technology Solutions | www.huawei.com

15. Hylete: AI-enhanced Fitness Apparel | www.hylete.com

16. Hypergiant: AI Solutions for Enterprises | www.hypergiant.com

17. HyperScience: AI-powered Document Processing | www.hyperscience.com

18. HyperVerge: AI-powered Image Recognition | www.hyperverge.co

19. Hyro: Conversational AI Platform | www.hyro.ai

20. HyPR: Influencer Marketing AI | www.hyprbrands.com


1. IBM – AI-powered Technology and Services | www.ibm.com

2. Intel – AI Hardware and Software Solutions | www.intel.com

3. iCarbonX – AI-driven Health and Wellness Solutions | www.icarbonx.com

4. Inbenta – Natural Language Processing AI | www.inbenta.com

5. Indico – Text and Document AI | www.indico.io

6. Infosys – AI-driven Business Consulting and Solutions | www.infosys.com

7. InMind.ai – AI-assisted Decision-Making Platform | www.inmind.ai

8. InsideSales – AI-powered Sales Technology | www.insidesales.com

9. Insight Engines – AI-powered Enterprise Search | www.insightengines.com

10. Insilico Medicine – AI-driven Drug Discovery | www.insilico.com

11. Instabase – AI-powered Automation and Data Solutions | www.instabase.com=

12. inVia Robotics – AI-driven Warehouse Automation | www.inviarobotics.com

13. Iron Mountain – AI-assisted Information Management | www.ironmountain.co=


14. Ironscales – AI-powered Email Security | www.ironscales.com

15. ISARA Corporation – AI-driven Quantum-safe Security | www.isara.com

16. iZotope – AI-powered Audio Technology | www.izotope.com

17. Igneous – AI-driven Unstructured Data Management | www.igneous.io

18. i-exceed technology solutions – AI-driven Banking Automation | www.i-exc=


19. Intapp – AI-enhanced Legal and Professional Services | www.intapp.com

20. iMerit – AI Training Data and Services | www.imerit.net

21. Iris.ai – AI-powered Research Tools | www.iris.ai

22. IRYStec – AI-driven Display Optimization | www.irystec.com

23. iSpot.tv – AI-powered TV Ad Analytics | www.ispot.tv

24. iZooto – AI-driven Marketing Automation | www.izooto.com

25. Iprova – AI-driven Invention Technology | www.iprova.com


1. Jibo – Personal Robotics – www.jibo.com

2. Jamf – Device Management – www.jamf.com

3. Journi – Intelligent Travel Planning – www.journiapp.com

4. Julia Computing – Machine Learning – www.juliacomputing.com

5. JASK – AI-powered Security Operations – www.jask.com

6. Jukin Media – Video Content Licensing – www.jukinmedia.com

7. Jivox – Personalized Digital Advertising – www.jivox.com

8. Jumpshot – E-commerce Analytics – www.jumpshot.com

9. Jumio – Identity Verification – www.jumio.com

10. Jocata Financial Advisory & Technology – Fraud Detection – www.jocata.com

11. Jaybridge Robotics – Autonomous Vehicles – www.jaybridgerobotics.com

12. Jungle.ai – Predictive Maintenance – www.jungle.ai

13. Jiffy.ai – Intelligent Automation – www.jiffy.ai

14. Jigsaw – Online Risk Assessment – www.jigsaw.xyz

15. Jasper – Real-time Energy Analytics – www.jasper.com

16. Juristat – Legal Analytics – www.juristat.com

17. Jask Labs – Cybersecurity Threat Hunting – www.jask.com

18. Jibestream – Indoor Mapping and Navigation – www.jibestream.com

19. Junkosha – RF Cable Assemblies – www.junkosha.co.jp

20. Jaunt – Virtual Reality Experiences – www.jauntxr.com

21. Jetlore – AI-powered Customer Engagement – www.jetlore.com

22. Juvo – Financial Identity Data – www.juvo.com

23. Jungo – Automotive Driver Monitoring – www.jungo.com

24. Judicata – Legal Research – www.judicata.com

25. Jina AI – Neural Search – www.jina.ai


1. Kofax – Intelligent Process Automation – www.kofax.com

2. Kryon – Robotic Process Automation – www.kryonsystems.com

3. Kinetica – GPU-accelerated Analytics – www.kinetica.com

4. Komodo Health – Healthcare Data Analytics – www.komodohealth.com

5. Kira Systems – Contract Analysis – www.kirasystems.com

6. Klevu – E-commerce Search – www.klevu.com

7. Kyndi – Explainable AI – www.kyndi.com

8. Korbit – AI-driven Cybersecurity – www.korbit.ai

9. Kernel – Brain Interface Technology – www.kernel.com

10. KNIME – Open AI Data Analytics Platform – www.knime.com

11. Kwalee – AI-powered Mobile Gaming – www.kwalee.com

12. Kognition – AI Video Analytics – www.kognition.ai

13. Knowmail – Personalized Email Assistant – www.knowmail.me

14. KONUX – Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Assets – www.konux.com

15. Kensho Technologies – AI-powered Financial Analytics – www.kensho.com

16. Kazuhm – IT Infrastructure Optimization – www.kazuhm.com

17. Kyndryl – AI-powered IT Services – www.kyndryl.com

18. Kount – Fraud Prevention – www.kount.com

19. Kaskada – Feature Engineering – www.kaskada.com

20. KeyMe – AI-enabled Key Duplication – www.key.me

21. Kasisto – Conversational AI for Banking – www.kasisto.com

22. Kairos – Facial Recognition – www.kairos.com

23. KONTEK – AI-driven Content Moderation – www.kontek.ai

24. Kitman Labs – Sports Performance Analytics – www.kitmanlabs.com

25. Kitov.ai – Visual Inspection Automation – www.kitov.ai


1. Luminoso – Natural Language Understanding – www.luminoso.com

2. Lilt – Neural Machine Translation – www.lilt.com

3. Loop AI Labs – Conversational AI – www.loop.ai

4. Layer 6 AI – Deep Learning – www.layer6.ai

5. Logical Clocks – Federated Learning – www.logicalclocks.com

6. Lexion – Contract Analysis – www.lexion.ai

7. Lucidworks – Enterprise Search – www.lucidworks.com

8. Liligo – Travel Recommendation – www.liligo.com

9. Luminance – Legal Document Analysis – www.luminance.com

10. Lobe – Visual Classification – www.lobe.ai

11. Lumen5 – Video Creation – www.lumen5.com

12. Luminar – Autonomous Vehicle Perception – www.luminartech.com

13. Logz.io – Log Analytics – www.logz.io

14. Locus Robotics – Warehouse Automation – www.locusrobotics.com

15. LandmarkML – Real Estate AI – www.landmarkml.com

16. Lilt Bio – Drug Discovery – www.liltbio.com

17. LabGenius – Protein Engineering – www.labgeni.us

18. Lifebit – Genomic Analysis – www.lifebit.ai

19. Lyrebird – Voice Cloning – www.lyrebird.ai

20. LogDNA – Log Management – www.logdna.com

21. Lalafo – Classifieds Recommendation – www.lalafo.ai

22. LaJiao AI – Video Analysis – www.lajiao.ai

23. Logical AI – Marketing Intelligence – www.logical-ai.com

24. LIA – Supply Chain Optimization – www.liaintelligence.com

25. Lexigram – Healthcare Analytics – www.lexigram.io


1. Microsoft – General AI Solutions – www.microsoft.com/ai

2. Mindmaze – Virtual Reality Therapy – www.mindmaze.com

3. MetaMind – Deep Learning Platform – www.metamind.io

4. Mapillary – Street-Level Imagery AI – www.mapillary.com

5. Meya.ai – Conversational AI – www.meya.ai

6. Mighty AI – Training Data for AI – www.mighty.ai

7. Mesh Technology – Intelligent Edge Computing – www.mesh-tech.com

8. Maluuba – Language Understanding – www.maluuba.com

9. Mavenoid – Virtual Product Diagnostics – www.mavenoid.com

10. MoonX.AI – Predictive Analytics – www.moonx.ai

11. Moogsoft – IT Operations AI – www.moogsoft.com

12. Mycroft – Open Source Voice Assistant – www.mycroft.ai

13. Medopad – Remote Patient Monitoring – www.medopad.com

14. Mindbreeze – Cognitive Insight Engine – www.mindbreeze.com

15. Modzy – AI Model Deployment – www.modzy.com

16. MyndYou – Cognitive Care Solution – www.myndyou.com

17. MergeAI – Data Integration AI – www.merge-ai.com

18. Megvii – Facial Recognition – www.megvii.com

19. Mnubo – IoT Analytics – www.mnubo.com

20. Mindtickle – Sales Readiness AI – www.mindtickle.com

21. Mobvoi – Voice Assistants – www.mobvoi.com

22. Miso Robotics – Robotics for Food Industry – www.misorobotics.com

23. MySize – AI Measuring Technology – www.mysizeid.com

24. Mechanism Labs – Decentralized AI – www.mechanismlabs.io

25. Meshify – Industrial IoT Platform – www.meshify.com


1. NVIDIA – AI Hardware & Software – www.nvidia.com

2. Nexar – AI Dashcam & Safety – www.getnexar.com

3. nViso – Emotion AI – www.nviso.ai

4. Neura – Behavioral Intelligence – www.theneura.com

5. Neurala – Deep Learning Neural Networks – www.neurala.com

6. Nuance Communications – Speech Recognition – www.nuance.com

7. Noodle.ai – Enterprise AI – www.noodle.ai

8. NeuralFrame – AI-Powered Imaging – www.neuralframe.com

9. Numenta – Machine Intelligence – www.numenta.com

10. Neocortix – Cloud Computing with Mobile Devices – www.neocortix.com

11. Neuron – Intelligent Process Automation – www.neurons.io

12. NexLP – Legal Document Analytics – www.nexlp.com

13. Nervana Systems – Deep Learning Platform – www.nervanasys.com

14. Nnaisense – Artificial General Intelligence – www.nnaisense.com

15. NeuroChain – Blockchain & AI – www.neurochaintech.io

16. Neuroflow – Mental Health AI – www.neuroflow.com

17. NeuroSky – Brainwave Technology – www.neurosky.com

18. Netra – Visual Intelligence – www.netra.io

19. Numerai – AI-Driven Hedge Fund – www.numer.ai

20. North – Smart Glasses with AI – www.bynorth.com

21. Numenta – Hierarchical Temporal Memory – www.numenta.com

22. Neokami – Real-Time Data Analysis – www.neokami.com

23. Nara Logics – Personalized AI Recommendations – www.naralogics.com

24. Nanit – Smart Baby Monitor – www.nanit.com

25. Natural Cycles – AI-Powered Birth Control – www.naturalcycles.com


1. OpenAI – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

2. Oracle – AI-Powered Business Solutions – www.oracle.com

3. OpenText – Document Intelligence – www.opentext.com

4. Orbital Insight – Geospatial Analytics – www.orbitalinsight.com

5. Oodles AI – AI Consulting & Solutions – www.oodlesai.com

6. Ontotext – Knowledge Graphs & Text Analytics – www.ontotext.com

7. Open BCI – Brain-Computer Interface – www.openbci.com

8. Optum – Healthcare AI Solutions – www.optum.com

9. OpenCog – Artificial General Intelligence – www.opencog.org

10. ObEN – Personalized AI Avatars – www.oben.com

11. Osaro – Deep Reinforcement Learning – www.osaro.com

12. Omilia – Conversational AI – www.omilia.com

13. OpenAI Gym – AI Learning Environment – gym.openai.com

14. OpenCV – Computer Vision Library – www.opencv.org

15. Ocado – AI-Powered Robotics & Automation – www.ocadogroup.com

16. Ocrolus – AI-Powered Data Verification – www.ocrolus.com

17. One Concern – AI-Driven Resilience Solutions – www.oneconcern.com

18. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

19. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

20. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

21. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

22. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

23. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

24. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com

25. OpenAI LP – AI Research & Development – www.openai.com


1. Palo Alto Networks – Cybersecurity AI Solutions – www.paloaltonetworks.com

2. Pegasystems – AI-Driven Customer Engagement – www.pega.com

3. Pinterest – Visual Recommendation AI – www.pinterest.com

4. PROS – AI-Powered Pricing & Revenue Management – www.pros.com

5. Peltarion – AI Platform for Business – www.peltarion.com

6. PointGrab – AI-Powered Smart Building Solutions – www.pointgrab.com

7. Pryon – Augmented Intelligence Platform – www.pryon.com

8. PathAI – AI-Powered Pathology – www.pathai.com

9. Percepto – Autonomous Inspection & Monitoring – www.percepto.co

10. Petuum – AI Infrastructure Software – www.petuum.com

11. Planet – Global Monitoring with AI – www.planet.com

12. People.ai – Revenue Intelligence AI – www.people.ai

13. Plum – Predictive Hiring & Talent Management – www.plum.io

14. PowerDMS – Policy and Compliance Management AI – www.powerdms.com

15. ParallelDots – Natural Language Processing AI – www.paralleldots.com

16. Proximie – AI-Powered Surgical Collaboration – www.proximie.com

17. Perceptive Automata – Human Behavior Prediction AI – www.perceptiveautomata.com

18. Primer – Machine Learning Text Analysis – www.primer.ai

19. Performable AI – Marketing Automation AI – www.performable.ai

20. Programmai – AI-Powered Ad Campaign Optimization – www.programmai.com

21. Predictive Layer – AI-Driven Sales Acceleration – www.predictivelayer.com

22. PROWLER.io – Decision-Making AI – www.prowler.io

23. Prevedere – Predictive Analytics AI – www.prevedere.com

24. PropertyGuru – AI-Powered Property Insights – www.propertyguru.com

25. Petal – AI-Powered Credit Card Solutions – www.petalcard.com


1. Qlik – Data Analytics and Visualization – qlik.com

2. Quantcast – Audience Insights and Advertising – quantcast.com

3. Quantiphi – Machine Learning and Data Analytics – quantiphi.com

4. Quid – Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics – quid.com

5. Quobyte – AI Infrastructure Platform – quobyte.com

6. Qualcomm Technologies – AI Chipsets and Mobile Technologies – qualcomm.com

7. Quidgest – AI-Based Software Solutions – quidgest.com

8. Quanser – Robotics and Control Systems – quanser.com

9. Quanergy – LiDAR Sensors and Perception Software – quanergy.com

10. Quora – AI-Powered Question and Answer Platform – quora.com

11. Qubole – AI-Driven Big Data Platform – qubole.com

12. Qualtrics – Sentiment Analysis and Customer Feedback – qualtrics.com

13. Qumulo – AI-Enhanced File Storage and Management – qumulo.com

14. Quizlet – Adaptive Learning and Study Platform – quizlet.com

15. Quantexa – AI-Powered Analytics for Financial Services – quantexa.com

16. Qarnot Computing – Edge AI Computing and Heating – qarnot-computing.com

17. Quora Space – AI-Powered Online Community Platform – space.quora.com

18. Quantemplate – Data Integration and Analysis – quantemplate.com

19. QAD – AI-Driven Supply Chain Solutions – qad.com

20. QuickLogic – AI Chipsets and Embedded Solutions – quicklogic.com

21. Quytech – AI App Development and Virtual Assistants – quytech.com

22. Qure.ai – Medical Imaging and Diagnostics – qure.ai

23. Quickpath – AI-Based Predictive Analytics – quickpath.com

24. QualySense – AI-Enabled Crop Quality Analysis – qualysense.com

25. Quidel – AI-Assisted Medical Diagnostics – quidel.com


1. Rainbird – Cognitive reasoning platform – rainbird.ai

2. Rasa – Open-source chatbot development framework – rasa.com

3. Receptiviti – Emotion artificial intelligence platform – receptiviti.com

4. RetailAI – AI-driven retail analytics – retailai.com

5. Rockset – Real-time indexing and querying of machine data – rockset.com

6. Robotic Vision Technologies – Industrial 3D vision robotic guidance – roboticvisiontech.com

7. RocketFuel – AI-powered marketing automation – rocketfuel.ai

8. Rubikloud – AI-powered retail automation – rubikloud.ai

9. Rulai – AI-driven virtual assistant and chatbot platform – rul.ai

10. Run:AI – AI orchestration platform for deep learning – run.ai

11. Rezatec – Geospatial AI analytics for forestry and agriculture – rezatec.com

12. Recursion Pharmaceuticals – AI-driven drug discovery – recursionpharma.com

13. Realeyes – Emotion AI platform for measuring consumer attention and engagement – realeyesit.com

14. Resonance AI – Predictive analytics and optimization for media and entertainment – resonanceai.com

15. Retina AI – AI-driven predictive analytics for customer behavior – retina.ai

16. RedSeal – AI-driven cyber risk modeling – redseal.net

17. Rekognition – Image and facial recognition API by Amazon – aws.amazon.com/rekognition

18. Robust AI – Autonomous AI driving systems for vehicles – robust.ai

19. Robovision – AI-driven computer vision and image processing – robovision.ai

20. RunwayML – AI-powered creative toolkits and models for designers – runwayml.com

21. Replicant – Conversational AI for customer support – replicant.ai

22. Reveal Biosciences – AI-powered pathology services – revealbio.com

23. Retina-Vision – AI-driven healthcare diagnosis and image analysis – retina-vision.com

24. Revuze – AI-powered market research and analytics – revuze.it

25. Revelio Labs – AI-driven talent analytics and hiring insights – reveliolabs.com


1. Salesforce – Customer Relationship Management (CRM) AI – salesforce.com=20=

2. ServiceNow – IT Service Management AI – servicenow.com

3. Siemens – Industrial Automation and Control AI – siemens.com

4. Spotify – Music Recommendations AI – spotify.com

5. Splunk – Operational Intelligence AI – splunk.com

6. Square – Payment Processing AI – square.com

7. SAP – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) AI – sap.com

8. Sony – Imaging and Sensing AI – sony.net

9. Samsung – Smart Home Solutions AI – samsung.com

10. Slack – Chat and Collaboration AI – slack.com

11. Snowflake – Cloud Data Warehousing AI – snowflake.com

12. Sumo Logic – Log Management and Analysis AI – sumologic.com

13. SenseTime – Facial Recognition AI – sensetime.com

14. Suki – Voice-enabled Digital Assistant AI for Healthcare – suki.ai

15. Synopsys – Electronic Design Automation AI – synopsys.com

16. SenseAI Technologies – Predictive Maintenance AI for Manufacturing – senseai.tech

17. Sentieo – Financial Research AI – sentieo.com

18. SambaNova Systems – Advanced AI Computing Platforms – sambanova.ai

19. Sigmoid – Real-time Data Analytics AI – sigmoid.io

20. Scale AI – Data Labeling and Annotation AI – scale.com

21. Sight Machine – Manufacturing Analytics AI – sightmachine.com

22. Satisfai – Natural Language Processing AI – satisfai.ai

23. Super.AI – AI Model Training and Development AI – super.ai

24. Seldon – Machine Learning Deployment AI – seldon.io

25. Senseforth AI – Conversational AI for Customer Experience – senseforth.a=


1. TensorFlow – Open-source platform for machine learning – www.tensorflow.org

2. Twilio – Communication API platform with AI capabilities – www.twilio.com

3. ThoughtSpot – AI-powered analytics and business intelligence – www.thoughtspot.com

4. Trifacta – Data preparation and cleansing using AI algorithms – www.trifacta.com

5. Trillium – AI-based cybersecurity and data protection solutions – www.trilliumsecure.com

6. Talla – Intelligent knowledge management and chatbots – www.talla.com

7. Trustpilot – AI-driven customer review platform – www.trustpilot.com

8. Tamr – AI-driven data integration and mastering – www.tamr.com

9. Tessian – AI-powered email security and data loss prevention – www.tessian.com

10. Threading Building Blocks (TBB) – AI parallelism and optimization library – www.threadingbuildingblocks.org

11. Teradata – AI-driven analytics and data warehousing – www.teradata.com

12. Textio – AI-powered augmented writing platform – www.textio.com

13. Talla – AI-enabled IT service management and knowledge base platform – www.talla.com

14. Talend – AI-enhanced data integration and management – www.talend.com

15. Tractable – AI-powered accident and disaster recovery assessment – www.tractable.ai

16. Twine – AI-driven collaboration and project management – www.twineapp.com

17. Tagnos – AI-based patient flow and operational efficiency in healthcare www.tagnos.com

18. Trove – AI-driven personalization for e-commerce – www.trove.ai

19. Transmetrics – AI-based demand forecasting and optimization for logistics – www.transmetrics.eu

20. TrainedOn – AI-powered text generation and content creation – www.trainedon.com

21. Talla – AI-assisted HR and employee onboarding – www.talla.com

22. Thnks – AI-driven gifting and relationship-building platform – www.thnks.com

23. Talentsoft – AI-enhanced talent management and HR software – www.talentsoft.com

24. Taranis – AI-powered precision agriculture and crop monitoring – www.taranis.ag

25. Tact.ai – Voice-powered AI assistant for sales teams – www.tact.ai


1. Ubot Studio – Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

   Website: ubotstudio.com

2. Uizard – AI-powered design platform

   Website: uizard.io

3. Unbabel – AI-powered translation services

   Website: unbabel.com

4. Unbrain – AI-enabled document processing

   Website: unbrain.ai

5. Unsupervised – AI-powered data exploration

   Website: unsupervised.com

6. Upverter – AI-assisted electronic design automation

   Website: upverter.com

7. Uru – AI-powered virtual clothing try-on

   Website: uruvideo.com

8. Ushur – AI-powered customer engagement

   Website: ushur.com

9. UviArt – AI-generated artwork marketplace

   Website: uviart.com

10. Ubermetrics – AI-powered social media analytics

    Website: ubermetrics-technologies.com

11. Ugunja – AI-driven cybersecurity solutions

    Website: ugunja.com

12. Unanimous AI – Swarm AI platform for collective decision-making

    Website: unan1mous.ai

13. Unisound – Voice AI technology provider

    Website: unisound.ai

14. Ultrasight – Computer vision AI for autonomous systems

    Website: ultrasight.io

15. Unearth Labs – AI-powered construction management

    Website: unearthlabs.com

16. Uptycs – AI-powered security analytics

    Website: uptycs.com

17. Unity Technologies – AI-enabled game development platform

    Website: unity.com

18. Ubitricity – AI-driven charging solutions for electric vehicles

    Website: ubitricity.co.uk

19. Unmaze – AI-guided career counseling platform

    Website: unmaze.me

20. Unleash Live – AI-supported video streaming for live events

    Website: unleashlive.com

21. Umbrella Genetics – AI-powered drug discovery

    Website: umbrellagenomics.com

22. Uniphore – Conversational AI for customer support services

    Website: uniphore.com



1. Vector AI – Natural Language Processing – vector-ai.com

2. Vicarious – Robotics and Automation – vicarious.com

3. Veritone – Artificial Intelligence for Media – veritone.com

4. VoiceOps – AI-Powered Coaching for Sales Teams – voiceops.com

5. Vianai Systems – Deep Learning and AI – vianai.com

6. Visenze – Visual Search and Image Recognition – visenze.com

7. Verisk Analytics – Data Analytics and Machine Learning – verisk.com

8. Virtualitics – Data Visualization and Analysis – virtualitics.com

9. Verbit – AI-Powered Transcription and Captioning – verbit.ai

10. Verbit.ai – AI-driven Transcription and Captioning – verbit.ai

11. VergeSense – Occupancy Analytics and Workplace Optimization – vergesense.com

12. Vectra AI – Network Threat Detection and Response – vectra.ai

13. Volara – Voice-Based Hospitality Services – volara.io

14. Valossa – Video and Audio Content Recognition – valossa.com

15. Versive – Advanced Threat Detection and Defense – versive.com

16. Vilynx – AI-Powered Video Analytics – vilynx.com

17. VicarVision – Computer Vision and Behavioral Analysis – vicarvision.ai

18. Verbio Technologies – Speech Recognition and Natural Language Understanding – verbio.com

19. Viz.ai – Artificial Intelligence for Stroke Treatment – viz.ai

20. Vastmindz – AI-Powered Virtual Reality Solutions – vastmindz.com

21. Vionlabs – AI-Driven Video Content Discovery – vionlabs.com

22. Vayyar Imaging – Contactless Imaging and Sensing – vayyar.com

23. Vcinity – AI-Powered Data Storage and Access – vcinity.io

24. Verb Networks – AI-Driven Cybersecurity – verbnetworks.com

25. Vicarious Surgical – Surgical Robotics and Automation – vicarioussurgical.com



1. Wave Video. Text to Video using A.I., www.wave.video

2.. Waymo: Self-driving cars.

   Website: www.waymo.com

3. Weka.IO: Artificial intelligence-powered storage solutions.

   Website: www.weka.io

4. Wavenet International: Speech recognition and synthesis technologies.

   Website: www.wavenetinternational.com

5. WorkFusion: Intelligent automation solutions for enterprises.

   Website: www.workfusion.com

6. Wipro AI: AI-powered business solutions.

   Website: www.wipro.com/ai

7. Wolfram Research: Advanced computational intelligence platforms.

   Website: www.wolfram.com

8. Worldwide TechServices: AI-driven IT support and solutions.

   Website: www.wwts.com

9. Wit.ai: Natural language processing for developers.

   Website: www.wit.ai

10. WittyParrot: AI-powered knowledge management and sharing.

   Website: www.wittyparrot.com

11. WidgetBrain: AI-based forecasting and optimization solutions.

    Website: www.widgetbrain.com

12. Wovenware: Custom AI software development services.

    Website: www.wovenware.com

13. Wear.Works: Artificial intelligence for wearables.

    Website: www.wear.works

14. Whiteboard Coordinator: AI-powered project management platform.

    Website: www.whiteboard-coordinator.com

15. Welltok: AI-driven healthcare engagement solutions.

    Website: www.welltok.com

16. Webgility: AI-powered e-commerce integration solutions.

    Website: www.webgility.com

17. Wave Computing: AI acceleration solutions for deep learning.

    Website: www.wavecomp.ai

18. Whoop: AI-enabled fitness tracking wearable.

    Website: www.whoop.com

19. Wiser: Artificial intelligence-driven pricing and analytics platform.

    Website: www.wiser.com

20. WordStream: AI-powered online advertising solutions.

    Website: www.wordstream.com

21. Workhorse Group: AI-powered electric vehicles and drones.

    Website: www.workhorse.com

22. WalkMe: AI-powered digital adoption and user experience software.

    Website: www.walkme.com

23. Wide AI: AI-driven insurance underwriting platform.

    Website: www.wide-ai.com

24. WireWheel: AI-powered data privacy and protection software.

    Website: www.wirewheel.io



1. Xilinx

   – Type of AI service: Hardware-accelerated AI

   – Website address: www.xilinx.com

2. X.ai

   – Type of AI service: AI-powered personal assistant for scheduling

   – Website address: www.x.ai

3. Xtract AI

   – Type of AI service: Computer vision and document intelligence

   – Website address: www.xtract.ai

4. Ximilar

   – Type of AI service: Image recognition and visual search

   – Website address: www.ximilar.com

5. Xnor.ai

   – Type of AI service: Edge AI solutions

   – Website address: www.xnor.ai

6. X0PA AI

   – Type of AI service: Talent acquisition and HR technology

   – Website address: www.x0pa.ai

7. Xperiel

   – Type of AI service: Contextual intelligence and engagement

   – Website address: www.xperiel.com

8. Ximilar

   – Type of AI service: Automated product tagging and recommendation

   – Website address: www.ximilar.com


   – Type of AI service: Sensor fusion and data analytics

   – Website address: www.infineon.com/XENSIV

10. XenonStack

    – Type of AI service: Custom AI solutions and automation

    – Website address: www.xenonstack.com

11. x.ai

    – Type of AI service: AI-powered personal scheduling assistant

    – Website address: www.x.ai

12. Xtract Technologies

    – Type of AI service: Text analytics and data extraction

    – Website address: www.xtract.io

13. Xapix

    – Type of AI service: Data integration and AI-driven APIs

    – Website address: www.xapix.io

14. Xnor.ai

    – Type of AI service: Edge AI for low-power devices

    – Website address: www.xnor.ai

15. xpresso.ai

    – Type of AI service: AI model deployment and management

    – Website address: www.xpresso.ai

16. Xoxoday

    – Type of AI service: AI-powered employee engagement and rewards

    – Website address: www.xoxoday.com

17. Xsense.ai

    – Type of AI service: Computer vision for retail optimization

    – Website address: www.xsense.ai

18. Xiaoi Robot

    – Type of AI service: Smart customer service and chatbots

    – Website address: www.xiaoi.com

19. Ximilar

    – Type of AI service: Automatic product tagging and visual search

    – Website address: www.ximilar.com

20. Xpand IT

    – Type of AI service: AI-driven data analytics and business intelligence=

    – Website address: www.xpand-it.com

21. Xablu

    – Type of AI service: Mobile app development with AI capabilities

    – Website address: www.xablu.com

22. Xtracta

    – Type of AI service: Automated data extraction from documents

    – Website address: www.xtracta.com

23. X0PA AI

    – Type of AI service: AI-powered talent acquisition and assessment

    – Website address: www.x0pa.ai

24. XcellisAI

    – Type of AI service: AI-driven data storage solutions

    – Website address: www.xcellis.ai

25. Xyka AI

    – Type of AI service: AI-powered healthcare solutions

    – Website address: www.xyka.ai



1. Yext – AI-powered search and discovery platform – www.yext.com

2. Yext Answers – AI-powered search engine – www.yext.com/answers

3. Yelp – AI-driven business recommendations – www.yelp.com

4. YouVisit – AI-guided virtual tours – www.youvisit.com

5. Yueni – AI-powered chatbots for customer support – www.yueni.co

6. Yellow Messenger – AI-based conversational AI platform – www.yellowmessenger.com

7. YellowAnt – AI-powered virtual assistant for workplace productivity – www.yellowant.com

8. YourMechanic – AI-based car repair and maintenance services – www.yourmechanic.com

9. Yaskawa – AI-driven robotics and automation solutions – www.yaskawa.com

10. Yandex – AI-driven internet search and services – www.yandex.com

11. Yandex.Translate – AI-powered translation service – translate.yandex.com

12. Yodlee – AI-based financial data analytics – www.yodlee.com

13. Yoti – AI-powered digital identity verification – www.yoti.com

14. Yesware – AI-based email productivity tools – www.yesware.com

15. Yulio – AI-powered virtual reality solutions – www.yulio.com

16. YieldStreet – AI-based alternative investment platform – www.yieldstreet.com

17. YouGov – AI-driven market research and public opinion analytics – yougov.co.uk

18. Ynsect – AI-driven insect farming and sustainable protein production – www.ynsect.com

19. YellowDog – AI-powered cloud rendering services – www.yellowdog.co

20. YugaByte – AI-driven distributed SQL database – www.yugabyte.com

21. Yoobic – AI-enabled retail execution platform – www.yoobic.com

22. Yuno – AI-driven customer journey analytics – www.yuno.com

23. Your.MD – AI-based personal health assistant – www.your.md

24. Yunji – AI-powered social commerce platform – www.yunjiglobal.com

25. Yousician – AI-guided music learning platform – www.yousician.com



1. Zebra Medical Vision – AI-powered medical imaging analysis. Website: www.zebra-med.com

2. Zoox – Autonomous vehicle development. Website: www.zoox.com

3. Zenuity – Advanced driver-assistance systems. Website: www.zenuity.com

4. Zymergen – AI-driven biofacturing. Website: www.zymergen.com

5. Zeotap – Data-driven marketing solutions. Website: www.zeotap.com

6. Zilliant – AI-optimized pricing and sales solutions. Website: www.zilliant.com

7. ZestFinance – Machine learning-driven underwriting for financial services Website: www.zestfinance.com

8. Zinier – AI-powered field service automation. Website: www.zinier.com

9. Ziff.ai – AI-based customer experience management. Website: www.ziff.ai


I am still in the beta phase and will be updating information on a weekly basis. Initially, It will be very basic with the company’s name, services, and website. 

In phase 2 I will be expanding to provide more detailed information.

In phase 3 I will be providing it in a more aesthetic theme. 

At the same time, I will be continually adding more companies.

Phase 2

1.Zebra Medical Vision.- Medical imaging analysis powered by deep learning algorithms that can detect abnormalities or diseases in X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs faster than human radiologists with higher accuracy rates to improve patient outcomes or reduce healthcare costs. www.zebra.com

Phase 3

Zebra Medical Vision

  • Medical imaging analysis powered by deep learning algorithms that can detect abnormalities or diseases in X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs faster than human radiologists with higher accuracy rates to improve patient outcomes or reduce healthcare costs.
  • Website: www.zebra.com

Author: Stephen

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